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rse, the rest of theworld's experience can be no guide in his case. Alas! alas! erethirty he has joined the Tottenham Hotspur Dame Fodboldtrøjer ranks of the sneerers. It is not his fault.
Our passions, Fernando Llorente Jersey both the good and bad, cease with our blushes. We donot Marc-Andre Ter Stegen Jersey hate, nor grieve, nor joy, nor despair in our thirties like we didin our teens. Disappointment does not suggest suicide, and we quaffsuccess without intoxication.
We take all things in a minor key as we grow older. There are fewmajestic passages in the later acts of life's opera. Ambition takes aless ambitious aim. Honor becomes more reasonable and convenientlyadapts itself to USWNT circumstances. And love--love dies. "Irreverencefor the Vancouver Canucks Barn dreams of youth" soon creeps like a killing frost upon ourhearts. The tender shoots and the expanding flowers are nipped andwithered, and of a vine that yearned to stretch its tendrils round theworld there is left but a sapless stump.
My fair friends Oscar de Marcos Jersey will deem all this rank heresy, I know. So far from aman's not loving after he has passed boyhood, it is not Thiago Motta Jersey till there isa good deal of gray in his hair that they think his protestations atall worthy of attention. Young ladies take their notions of our sexfrom the novels written by their own, and compared with themonstrosities that masquerade for men in the pages of that nightmareliterature, Pythagoras' plucked bird and Frankenstein's demon werefair average specimens of humanity.
In these so-called books, the chief lover, or Dybala Pelipaidat Greek god, as he isadmiringly referred to--by the way, they do not say which "Greek god"it is that the gentleman bears such a striking likeness to; it mightbe hump-backed Vulcan, or double-faced Janus, or even drivelingSilenus, the god of abstruse mysteries. He resembles the whole familyof them, however, in being a blackguard, and perhaps this is what ismeant. To even the little manliness his classical prototypespossessed, though, he can lay no claim whatever, being a listlesseffeminate noodle, on the shady side of forty. But oh! the depth andstrength of this elderly party's emotion for some bread-and-butterschool-girl! Hide your heads, ye young Romeos and Leanders! this_blase_ old beau loves with an hysterical fervor that requires fouradjectives to every noun to properly describe.
It is well, dear ladies, for us old sinners that you study only books.
Did you read mankind, you would know that the lad's shy stammeringtells a truer tale than our bold eloquence. A boy's love comes from Chandler Hoffman Jersey afull heart; a man's is more often the result of Juanfran Jersey a full stomach.
Indeed, a man's sluggish current may not be called love, compared withthe rushing fountain that wells up when a boy's heart is struck withthe heavenly rod. If you would taste love, drink of the pure streamthat Canada Goose Mountaineer Jackor youth pours out at your feet. Do not wait till it has become amuddy river before you stoop to catch its waves.
Or is it that you like its bitter flavor--that the clear, limpid wateris insipid to your palate and that the Jese Jersey pollution of its after-coursegives it a relish to your lips? Must we believe those who tell usthat a hand foul witlinks:
